Possible Topics
- Cyber crime
- Spam
- Fraud
- Obscene or offensive content
- Harassment
- Drug trafficking
- Cyberterrorism
- Environmental crime
- Environmental justice
- Crime against wildlife
- Pollution
- Garbage dirty businesses
- Environment protection
- Informal economy
- Black market
- Stolen goods
- Contraband
- Limitations of the mainstream crime control and prevention
- Organised crime
- Blackmailing
- Racketeering
- Corruption
- Trafficking in human beings
- Drug market
- Supranational criminal activities
- State crime
- War crimes
- Genocide
- Political crimes
- State corporate crime
- Terrorism/extreme violence
- Systemic violence
- Radicalism/extremism
- Discrimination
- Abuse of powers
- Professional deviance
- Training for investigation and prevention of specific crimes
- CJ/criminology/security education for unconventional deviance
- Violence
- Hate crime
- Domestic violence
- Sexual violence
- Stalking
- Sexual violence against the minors
- Workplace violence
- Mobbing
- Bullying
- Victims of unconventional crime
- Victimless crime
- Victim support and protection (victim and witness schemes)
- Violence against CJ professionals
- Police officer security
- Court security
- White collar crime
- Tax evasion/avoidance
- Banking & deviance
- FInancial crimes
- Crime of the powerful