European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference

CentraleSupélec / Inria, Rennes, France

18–19 June 2025

About the conference

EICC 2025 aims at establishing a premium venue for the exchange of information and sharing of research findings on cybersecurity and its many aspects between academics and practitioners in Europe. EICC 2025 encourages the dialogue between computer scientists and researchers in all other fields related to cybersecurity, such as behavioral sciences, sociology, criminology, investigations and law. Interdisciplinary contributions are especially welcome.

EICC 2025 is the 9th edition of the conference, which until 2019 was known as the Central European Cybersecurity Conference – CECC, being rebranded to underscore the interdisciplinarity of the conference and broaden its reach.

EICC 2025 is planned as a face-to-face conference.

EICC 2025 proceedings will be published in Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), indexed by dblp and Scopus.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline (extended)

Author notification


Call for papers


The conference is devoted to exploring and presenting original innovative applications, scientific and technological advancements in the field of cybersecurity. Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to:

Artificial Intelligence applied to cybersecurity
Artificial Intelligence trustworthiness
Big data and cybersecurity
Business continuity and disaster recovery
Child safety in the cyberspace
Cloud security
Critical infrastructure security
Cyber forensics
Cyber insurance
Cyber warfare
Cyber-physical systems security
Cybersecurity and cyber resilience
Digital currency, blockchains and cybercrime
Digital privacy
Embedded systems security
Healthcare information security
Information security governance
Internet of Things (IoT) security
Law, investigation, Internet jurisdiction and ethics
Mobile security
Network security
Security management
Software development security
Surveillance, interception, blocking and sovereignty
Trust management


EICC 2025 proceedings will be published by Springer Nature in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.


Proceedings from the previous conferences are available here:


EICC 2024, EICC 2023, EICC 2022, EICC 2021, EICC 2020

published by ACM


CECC 2019, CECC 2018

Published by ACM


CECC 2017

Published by University of Maribor Press

Submission Guidelines

The official language of the conference is English. Papers are limited to 16 pages and up to 4 additional pages with mandatory surcharges.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Authors are expected to adhere to the best practices in terms of scientific integrity as mentioned in the Publishing Ethics section of the guidelines. The following paper categories are welcome:

Full papers reporting on original research findings

(12-15+ pages)

Short papers reporting on original research findings

(6-11 pages)

Papers submitted to EICC 2025 have to use the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Proceedings Template . Please, read template instructions carefully before submitting the paper. The use of the LaTeX template is strongly encouraged. Non-proficient LaTeX users are encouraged to use the Overleaf online collaborative Latex platform ( LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates on Overleaf ).

The quality of the research papers will be assessed based on its originality, significance and clarity.

All submitted research papers will undergo a double-blind reviewing process. Please, make sure that submitted papers do not contain author names or obvious self-references . Please note that the page limit applies to camera-ready papers with author names included and not the submitted anonymized version.

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Afterwards, a discussion will be held by the chairs and reviewers to determine the outcomes of the peer-review.

Submission of a paper implies that at least one of the authors will register and present the paper at the conference if the paper is accepted. If an author has more than one accepted paper, each additional accepted paper costs the same as the regular registration fee.

Submission of papers should be performed using the EICC 2025 submission system (EasyChair is the underlying conference management system).

Full papers can exceed the page limit by a maximum of 4 pages. Each additional page above the page limit will be charged 50 EUR on top of the registration fee.

Call for special sessions

EICC 2025 is inviting proposals for Special Sessions. The typical goal of a special session is to present and discuss in a thorough and more narrow manner a specific aspect of cybersecurity and its interdisciplinary nature. EICC 2025 provides special session organizers with the opportunity to publish accepted special session papers as part of its conference proceedings. Special session papers must follow the conference submission guidelines and undergo the same rigorous reviewing process as conference papers.

Important dates

Submission deadline

Acceptance notification

Submission guidelines

The official language of EICC 2025 and its special sessions is English.

Special sessions may welcome full and/or short papers. Special session chair(s) can co-author at most one special session paper.

Submit special session proposals via email

Special session proposals should include:

Special session title
Acronym (optional)
Names, affiliations and contact details of special session chair(s)
A description of the special session with a list of topics and the expected number of accepted papers
If it concerns a reedition of session from the previous year, statistics of the previous edition should be included (the number of submissions and accepted papers, participants, etc.)
Any confirmed interests of submissions, tentative paper titles and names and affiliations of the authors
Tentative special session program committee
Proposed deadlines


Conference chair

Pedro R. M. Inácio,
Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal)

Program committee co-chairs

Simona Bernardi,
University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Isabel Praça,
School of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP) (Portugal)

Program committee

Habtamu Abie,
Norwegian Computing Centre (Norway)

Marios Anagnostopoulos,
Democritus University of Thrace (Greece)

Dr. Niyati Baliyan,
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (India)

João Paulo Barraca,
University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Giampaolo Bella,
University of Catania (Italy)

Luca Caviglione,
CNR - IMATI (Italy)

Richard Chbeir,
University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (France)

Michał Choraś,
Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology (Poland)

Tiago Cruz,
University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Salvatore D'Antonio,
University of Naples 'Parthenope' (Italy)

Luca Davoli,
University of Parma (Italy)

Changyu Dong,
Newcastle University (UK)

Matthew Edwards,
University of Bristol (UK)

Pavlos Efraimidis,
Democritus University of Thrace (Greece)

Tobias Eggendorfer,
TH Ingolstadt (Germany)

Sergio Esposito,
University of Catania (Italy)

Virginia Franqueira,
University of Kent (UK)

Damjan Fujs,
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Steven Furnell,
University of Nottingham (UK)

Dieter Gollmann,
Hamburg University of Technology (Germany)

Petra Grd,
University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Nils Gruschka,
University of Oslo (Norway)

Mordechai Guri,
Ben-Gurion University (Israel)

Piroska Haller,
Petru Maior University (Romania)

Marko Hölbl,
University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Martin Gilje Jaatun,
University of Stavanger & SINTEF Digital (Norway)

Georgios Karopoulos,
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (Italy)

Sokratis Katsikas,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

Stefan Katzenbeisser,
University of Passau (Germany)

Shujun Li,
University of Kent (UK)

Wenjuan Li,
Education University of Hong Kong (China)

Shigang Liu,
CSIRO's Data61 (Australia)

Brad Malin,
Vanderbilt University (US)

Lorenzo Mannocci,
University of Pisa (Italy)

Stefano Marrone,
University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvtelli' (Italy)

Ibéria Medeiros,
University of Lisbon (Portugal)

David Megías,
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) & Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)

Weizhi Meng,
Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)

Rodrigo Miani,
Federal University of Uberlândia (Brazil)

Pal-Stefan Murvay,
Politehnica University of Timisoara (Romania)

Sebastian Pape,
Social Engineering Academy GmbH (Germany)

Sergio Pastrana,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)

Kaja Prislan Mihelič,
University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Cigdem Sengul,
Brunel University (UK)

Bernardo Sequeiros,
University of Beira Interior (Portugal)

Gerardo Simari,
Universidad Nacional del Sur & CONICET (Argentina)

Kai Simon,
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (Germany)

Michael Sirivianos,
Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)

Florian Skopik,
Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)

Hung-Min Sun,
National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

Yuqiong Sun,
Facebook (US)

Igor Tomičić,
University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Fernando Tricas,
University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Nicolas Tsapatsoulis,
Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)

Abhishek Vaish,
Indian Institute of Information Technology (India)

Steffen Wendzel,
University of Ulm (Germany)

Christos Xenakis,
University of Piraeus (Greece)

Nicola Zannone,
Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands)

Organizing chair

Jean-Francois Lalande,
CentraleSupélec / Inria (France)

Steering committee

Igor Bernik,
University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Bela Genge,
University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Tg. Mures (Romania)

Joerg Keller,
FernUniversitaet in Hagen (Germany)

Blaž Markelj,
University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Aleksandra Mileva,
University Goce Delcev (North Macedonia)

Wojciech Mazurczyk,
Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Simon Vrhovec,
University of Maribor (Slovenia)


CentraleSupélec / Inria


Democritus University of Thrace¸

Previous conferences