Andrej Sotlar, Bojan DobovĹĄek
Andrej Sotlar, Bojan DobovĹĄek
Robert Furman, Gorazd MeĹĄko, Andrej Sotlar
Police Cooperation Mechanisms for the Provision of Internal Security in the European Union
Bojan DobovĹĄek, Jure Ĺ krbec
Conflicts of Interest in Theory and Practice
Robert Ĺ umi, Branko Lobnikar, Emanuel Banutai, Katja RanÄigaj
Integrity of Police Leaders and Their Care for the Community
Gorazd MeĹĄko, Jerneja Ĺ ifrer, Ljubo VoĹĄnjak
Punitiveness, Victimization and Fear of Crime of Criminal Justice Students â Results from a Web Survey
Igor Areh
Investigative Interview Protocols with Children as Alleged Victims of Sexual Abuse
Katja Eman, Gorazd MeĹĄko, Damir IvanÄiÄ
Environmental Crime in Pomurje
BlaĹž Markelj, Igor Bernik
Nacionalna konferenca Informacijska varnost â odgovori na sodobne izziveSLOPDF