Comparison of Some Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Slovenian Police Special Unit and American Special Forces S.W.A.T.
The main purpose of this study was to identify and describe specific morphological characteristics of the Slovenian police special unit and compare them with a special police unit of the U.S. Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.).
In the research we measured the special police unit of the General Police Directorate of Republic of Slovenia. During the course of the study, we measured weight (AT), height (AV), body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), lean body mass (LBM, kg), fat mass percentage (%) share absolute fat mass (kg) and the maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max, ml / kg / min). Data were compared to a research conducted by Dawes (2011), on U.S. police Special Forces S.W.A.T.
Members of the Special Unit of the Slovenian police are significantly younger (6.49 ASdiff year, 95% CI 2.62–10.38), lighter (10.57 ASdiff kg, 95% CI 4.03 to 17.11), have a lower body mass index (ASdiff 3.87 kg/m2, 95% CI 2.24–5.50) and possess greater maximal aerobic capacity (ASdiff 12.54 ml/kg/min, 95% CI 10.67–14.41) than the police Special Unit SWAT. The important difference is noted in the maximal aerobic capacity (SLO 57.9 ± 3.35 ml/kg/min; SWAT 45.36 ± 1.72 ml/kg/ min), which is in average higher by Slovenian special forces for 12.54 ml/kg/min. This result indicates better overall fitness in Slovenian police special forces.
Research Limitations / Implications:
In a research conducted by Dawes (2011), the data obtained for the VO2max were assessed indirectly by a result of the 1.5 mile run with the norms by a Single Cooper Fitness Norms (CSFN). An important limitation is also the employment structure of special units, because Slovenian Special Forces are employed full time in their unit compared to the unit with which we compared the data that does not have the status of full-time special unit. An important limitation is the lack of articles on the morphology and especially overall fitness of police special units.
Practical Implications:
The results and the comparison confirms the appropriateness of the selection process and kinesiology programs that are used by commanding officers of the Special Forces in Slovenian Police and are fully comparable, in some indicators even better than programs from foreign special police units.
The results of study indicate excellent overall fitness of the Slovenian Special Forces members compared with members of foreign Special Forces. They represent a starting point for further research and present a general description of the Slovenian special police forces.
UDC: 796.012.1:351.749
Keywords: morphology, physiology, police, special unit, tactical officer
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