Weather Conditions and Crimes Prevalence in Ifako-Ijaye (Lagos State, Nigeria)

Elisha Ademola Adeleke, Abiodun Daniel Olabode, Abimbola Emmanuel Oni


This paper aims to establish how weather parameters influence crimes with a view to understanding the varying levels of crime in the study area.


Data referring to maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, rainfall amount and wind speed, murder, assault, rape, armed robbery, breach of public peace, criminal conspiracy, theft, kidnapping, slave dealings, cultism and burglary were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, the Oshodi and Nigerian Police Force, Divisional Headquarters, Ifako-Ijaiye, Lagos State.


Results of regression analysis revealed a relationship exists between weather parameters and the prevalence of crimes at a magnitude of 91%; multiple correlation analysis results showed that a relationship exists between rape and weather at a magnitude of 90%.

Research Limitations / Implications:

This research focused on the role played by the observed weather elements on crime activity in the study area. However, the study suggests further studies on other factors capable of inducing crimes.


The paper deals with an issue not given much attention in the area under study. In Nigeria, criminal activities are typically viewed in terms of peer group influence rather than the weather. Generally, the study has the potential to help realign security measures and inform people of the possibility of being morally influenced by the prevailing weather conditions.

UDC: 343.3/.7+551.515(669.1)

Keywords: climate, weather, crime, trend, environment, relationship

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