Republic of Macedonia as a Transit Country for the Illegal Trafficking in the “Balkan Route”

Zlate Dimovski, Kire Babanoski, Ice Ilijevski


This study aims to give an empirical overview of the illegal trafficking with human beings, drugs and weapons in the Republic of Macedonia and its involvement in the transnational crime within the “Balkan Route”.


A qualitative-quantitative approach will be used, using analysis of the current scientific literature, academic publications and scientific papers from this area, and statistical methods using statistical analysis and interpretations of data on committed crimes and the perpetrators of illegal trafficking (with national and international elements).


The scope and structure of this crime in the Republic of Macedonia and its international character will be seen through empirical data and discussions.

Research limitations / implications:

Difficulties in the study of the transit position of the Republic of Macedonia within the “Balkan Route” especially in terms of illegal trafficking, are related to limitations in revealing the dark figure in this type of crime. Our research is largely based on existing scientific expertise and expert estimates and prognosis.

Practical implications:

The practical aim here is to enable the prevention of the transnational illegal trafficking in the Republic of Macedonia as a transit country and its exclusion from the “Balkan Route”.


The conclusions which arise from this study should contribute to creating and updating of the national strategy and optimal measures in combating trafficking in Macedonia by law enforcement agencies, thereby preventing the transit of criminality from the Middle East, through Macedonian territory into the Western countries.

UDC: 343.341(497)

Keywords: illegal trafficking, “Balkan Route”, Republic of Macedonia, transit

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