Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety in the Republic of Slovenia

Saša Kuhar, Igor Sirc, Metka Tomažič


The purpose of the article is to present nuclear and radiation safety in Slovenia, operations of the Slovenian regulatory body, the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA), and its Emergency Response Team.


We used the descriptive method and the method of document analysis. By analysing statistical data, we presented how the competence of the SNSA Emergency Response Team is ensured. The participatory observation will be used to analyse the exercises participated by the SNSA Emergency Response Team in year 2019.


Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety is one of the core tasks of the SNSA. SNSA employees conduct expert, administrative, control and development tasks in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. An essential part of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety is emergency preparedness. Regular trainings of SNSA Emergency Response Team members, monthly checks of communication channels and equipment, preparation of procedures that precisely define the activities and work of SNSA and members of the Emergency Response Team, development of tools and exercise participation are necessary to ensure the highest level of preparedness. The Republic of Slovenia has developed comprehensive arrangements for ensuring preparedness and response in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency, as confirmed by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV) in 2017. Many national and international exercises are carried out annually. Analyses of the exercises carried out in 2019 revealed some challenges that are being addressed immediately or with a trainings and exercise plan for 2020.


The article presents activities undertaken in Slovenia in the area of emergency preparedness to ensure nuclear and radiation safety. Due to the possible devastating consequences of over-exposure to ionising radiation on human health and the environment, this topic is important for every citizen of the Republic of Slovenia and also in broader region, as nuclear accidents can have cross-border effects. People living in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant have higher interest in the topic and are treated in a special way.

UDC: 614.87:[621.039+621.311.25](497.4)

Keywords: ensuring safety, preparedness, response, emergencies, nuclear accident, radiological accident, regulatory body

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