Incidence and Indicators of Radicalization of Prisoners, Persons in Probation and Asylum Seekers in Slovenia

Kaja Prislan, Andrej Sotlar, Branko Lobnikar, Maja Modic


The purpose of the article is to analyse the susceptibility and vulnerability of prisoners, persons in probation, and asylum seekers for radicalisation leading to violent extremism; to examine experiences from Slovenian practice, and on this basis identify indicators that could serve for early detection of risks of radicalisation in the analysed groups.


Potential indicators for analysis of risks associated with radicalisation were identified in a multipart survey that included a review of literature and case studies, a field survey of police officers involved in the investigation and prevention of radicalisation, and a focus group with experts responsible for enforcement of penal sanctions.


The results of the study showed that vulnerability and susceptibility to radicalisation leading to violent extremism can be identified on the basis of external and internal indicators related to behaviour, socialization and personal beliefs, taking into account the contextual circumstances of the analysed populations. Despite recognizing the potential risks for the radicalisation of prisoners, persons in probation, and asylum seekers among key stakeholders dealing with the issue of radicalisation in Slovenia, the perception of such phenomena in practice is rare.

Research Limitations / Implications:

Due to the limited number of experts involved in prevention and investigation of radicalisation in Slovenia, empirical research has been conducted on a smaller sample of respondents. The results that give insight into the current state of radicalisation among various vulnerable groups in Slovenia are useful for the strategic and operational level of experts, both in planning and implementing programmes for prevention of radicalisation and programmes of deradicalisation.


Through a multipart survey involving a combination of different research methods, the article presents practical experiences and provides an insight into the current state of radicalisation among prison population, persons in probation and asylum seekers. This is the first survey in Slovenia to examine the susceptibility of specific vulnerable groups. The set of presented indicators for identification of risks of radicalisation is useful for the development of national and local strategies in the future.

UDC: 343.3

Keywords: prisoners, probation, asylum seekers, radicalisation, risks

Full article in Slovene