Acquaintance and satisfaction with the work of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption among residents of Pomurje

Mateja Lepoša, Bojan Dobovšek


The purpose of the paper is to find out how residents of Pomurje know the Commission for the prevention of corruption (KPK) and how satisfied they are with its work.


The findings, presented in this paper, are based on descriptive method of scientific literature review on the subject of preventing corruption, especially empirical research findings. To evaluate satisfaction with KPK’s work and cooperation between KPK and other institutions one sample t-test was used. We compared evaluations between professionalism and integrity and nature of KPK’s work with Pearson coefficient. To determine associations between all factors we used multiple regression analysis.


Evaluation of cooperation between KPK and other institutions and evaluation of professionalism and integrity have the most impact on general (un)satisfaction with their work while we conducted that evaluation of the nature of the KPK’s work and corruption perception does not make significant impact on (un) satisfaction with their work.

Research Limitations / Implications:

Most implications in our research are related to our sample which was not patterned randomly and that is why we cannot generalize our results on whole population. Due to the short amount of time collecting the data we only had 164 respondents.

Practical Implications:

Our research model and results represent a great starting point for future research of understanding which factors are the most important regarding trust in KPK‘s work.


This kind of research of satisfaction with preventive institutions work is the first one in Slovenia and could be a good encouragement for young researchers to find out more about the importance of civil society cooperating more with preventive institutions which could lead to better understanding their work and working more successfully on the subject of preventing corruption.

UDC: 343.352(497.4)

Keywords: prevention, corruption, Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, satisfaction with work, Pomurje

Full article (in Slovene)