- About the Faculty
Exchange Students & Visitors
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General Information
Academic Visitors
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Every student at UM is given the digital identity (username), which enables single sign-on to various information services such as:
More info at https://it.um.si/en/students/.
Eduroam (education roaming) is an international federation of wireless networks for users of educational and research institutions. Students, pupils, teachers, researchers and others can use any wireless network Eduroam, in Slovenia or abroad. More information along with setup instructions at IT services (University of Maribor).
In order to successfully connect to a wireless network, you need a valid digital identity, operating system and network card must support the following standards:
Anonymous identity can be left blank or you can enter anonymous@student.um.si, user identity is in the form name.lastname@student.um.si, please install UM digital certificate.
Please use the installation program for Eduroam.
If the installation fails, see instructions on University of Maribor IT Services webpage
Computer and Information Centre
Room: 2N-15 (second floor)
Email: upravnik.fvv@um.si